Я узнала об учении Ильи Винниченко от значимых, авторитетных мне людей. На первой встрече Илья убедительно рассказал мне теорию так, что мне захотелось попробовать влияние энергий лично на себе. На практическом саминаре я ощутила энергии всеми пятью органами чувств. Энергия Гринда позволяет познакомиться с ощущениями в теле, которые нужно прочувствовать, чтобы описать. Безусловно энергетическое развитие требует практики и последующего обучения, это мой путь, который я выбираю.
by Svetlana Mitrofanova http://www.mitrofanova.info/ (Ukraine)
Спасибо, Илья, что позволил нам познать себя, свое предназначение и силу! Извечные вопросы нашли свои ответы:))
by Irina L. (Ukraine)
Я выражаю свою благодарность Илье Винниченко на семинаре, которого по Самоисцелению и Общению с Тонким Миром, я обрела много новых возможностей и подходов.
by Larisa T. (Ukraine)
Илья, привет!
Хочу поблагодарить тебя за все!!! Знаешь, в динамике времени все становится на свои места. Уроки "догоняют" надеюсь таки усвою. Должна признаться, что твоя работа очень глубинна, у меня есть с чем сравнить.
by Svetlana M., Ph.D. in Psychology (Ukraine)
Наденька, спасибо огромное за приглашение на твой семинар! То, что я приобрела на нем, нельзя оценить коротко. Я все время возвращаюсь к услышанному, открывая для себя совершенно новую глубину, новый взгляд, новый ракурс давно известных представлений! Вдруг многое встало на свои места... Для меня твой семинар стал началом нового этапа в моей жизни! И это не просто пафосная благодарность, поверь - это огромное преклонение перед твоей работой, знаниями и умением передать это слушателям! А еще я всегда буду благодарна судьбе за нашу встречу.
Пусть все у тебя будет хорошо!
Искренне, с любовью,
P.S. Если сочтешь нужным, можешь это опубликовать. Я сказала от всего сердца.
Sofia Gl. Foster City, CA
"Some-thing has drawn you here to PAC. It was only a few months ago when I was in your shoes. Reading about Cosmic Energies and particularly the Pineal Gland piqued my interest. After some deliberation, I finally signed up. My life has never and could now ever be the same. I have changed fundamentally in ways I can't even describe. During the initiation phase I felt something. I wasn't sure what it was but something was different. During the activation phase I was lifted up and became aware of the greater universe around and within me. It's as if some missing piece of an electric circuit was finally installed and current flowed. Nadiya is an amazing,talented, and knowledgeable teacher. She shared many aspects of the process and answered all of our questions. I felt comfortable, in control and safe during the entire process. I can't predict what treasure awaits you if you are able to connect to something beyond yourself but I can promise you that under Nadiya's instruction that you will have the best chance of finding out! It was an amazing life changing experience for me and one that I will treasure forever. Be bold, walk the road least trodden and try something new"
by MANZ F *San Francisco*
"The Channels Opening workshop is one of the most interesting workshop that I've ever attended to say the least.
Nadiya is such a wonderful gifted spiritual teacher. During one of the initiation/activation process in class,
I felt the presence of an angelic being in the room. This angelic being was gliding across the room, passing each
row of our tables as if it was watching everyone of us during our deep meditation exercise. It was a soothing white light
with some golden trims on the edges. I felt peace and loving energy filled up the room. I noticed this being turned
towards me when I felt opening my eyes but a strong sense of feeling came over me to keep me focus on my meditation
and kept my eyes from opening. When Nadiya called us back to our wake state of consciousness, I opened my eyes and noticed
that the room was still dark since Nadiya had turned off the lights before we started the exercise. At that point I felt the angelic being
had already left the room. I shared this experienced with the person sitting next to me was very surprise to find out that he had felt
almost the same experienced that I had. Nadiya later confirmed to us that it was Archangel Uriel who visited us. This was so
amazing! There were also other events and occurrences that the other attendees had shared. Interestingly, I noticed some of
them also. I know that there had been a shift in my conscious awareness and being. The workshop explains how
channeling works and how to access communication with the Higher Self, Source Energy and Spirit guides.
I would definitely recommend the Channels Opening workshop to anyone." --- Dan N. San Jose, CA.
I know his work is great and is only the beginning, I can feel it. Ilya is bringing so much new potential into the world. It is more than I can imagine and the great opening will happen, when he is teaching it in Russia. when I read the material, the russian feel so powerfully and great, a little different from the english version. The new Ilya Muromez?
"We thank you wholeheartedly for your clarity, your love, and your extraordinary power, and of course the wonderful energies, Ilya. Philips says this weekend was a milestone, and so she always speaks to us all from the heart. I'm glad that you brought so much light, inspiration, and warmth in our lives. (Translated by Bing)
Berlin, Germany. October 27th, 2013.
Wir hatten ein vollkommenes und beglückendes Wochenende mit Ilya — with Ilya Vinnichenko in Finsterwalde, Germany.
by Manuela P. (Germany)
"Ilya, I just floated yesterday after participating in Sunday's workshop at Ganesha Center... you have a true gift in giving such beautiful potent attunements, and your level of knowledge in the metaphysical field more than exceeded my expectations!!! Please come back and share your gifts with our spirit base again in Las Vegas!!! I only have great things to say about you and your mom!! Thank you!!!
I feel light and joyous and more in touch with my higher self. Enjoying every minute of it! Thank you both for your work! I hope to see you again soon!!"
by Jodi Friedman, Reiki Master at Ganesha Center, Las Vegas, NV USA
Aloha Illya!
Oh, I have been thinking of you. I am surprised at how powerful that cherub's energies can be! I love it that you have such a wonderful contact with him. I have been practicing with the energies and am so delighted to see results when I work on others.
My sister was complaining about spurs, problems with her foot. I ran the healing energy and she was happy to report that she could jump out of bed and worked her chores throughout the day without any pain. Absolutely amazing!!
It is so good to hear from you. You are blessed!
Love & Light
Noel :-)
by Noel O. HI, USA
Dear Teacher Ilya,
I wanted to share with you that your seminar, e-mail response to my question, helped me closing my puzzle. I had two blissful days and I felt it in my heart, that this is an experiment, that I am strong and can smile at temptations, not suffer to a point, where I was losing my mind, that things r the way they r supposed to be for a reason. Thank you so much!
by Rachel I. (Bulgaria/USA)
I just wanted to say thank you again...
I really appreciate it that you took your time for me. I cant shake the feeling, that i learned something really powerful and wonderful from you and i feel already a lot lighter and like i can breathe again. You are very special and i most certainly will come and see you again.
by Leona L. (Germany)
by Svetlana Mitrofanova http://www.mitrofanova.info/ (Ukraine)
Спасибо, Илья, что позволил нам познать себя, свое предназначение и силу! Извечные вопросы нашли свои ответы:))
by Irina L. (Ukraine)
Я выражаю свою благодарность Илье Винниченко на семинаре, которого по Самоисцелению и Общению с Тонким Миром, я обрела много новых возможностей и подходов.
by Larisa T. (Ukraine)
Илья, привет!
Хочу поблагодарить тебя за все!!! Знаешь, в динамике времени все становится на свои места. Уроки "догоняют" надеюсь таки усвою. Должна признаться, что твоя работа очень глубинна, у меня есть с чем сравнить.
by Svetlana M., Ph.D. in Psychology (Ukraine)
Наденька, спасибо огромное за приглашение на твой семинар! То, что я приобрела на нем, нельзя оценить коротко. Я все время возвращаюсь к услышанному, открывая для себя совершенно новую глубину, новый взгляд, новый ракурс давно известных представлений! Вдруг многое встало на свои места... Для меня твой семинар стал началом нового этапа в моей жизни! И это не просто пафосная благодарность, поверь - это огромное преклонение перед твоей работой, знаниями и умением передать это слушателям! А еще я всегда буду благодарна судьбе за нашу встречу.
Пусть все у тебя будет хорошо!
Искренне, с любовью,
P.S. Если сочтешь нужным, можешь это опубликовать. Я сказала от всего сердца.
Sofia Gl. Foster City, CA
"Some-thing has drawn you here to PAC. It was only a few months ago when I was in your shoes. Reading about Cosmic Energies and particularly the Pineal Gland piqued my interest. After some deliberation, I finally signed up. My life has never and could now ever be the same. I have changed fundamentally in ways I can't even describe. During the initiation phase I felt something. I wasn't sure what it was but something was different. During the activation phase I was lifted up and became aware of the greater universe around and within me. It's as if some missing piece of an electric circuit was finally installed and current flowed. Nadiya is an amazing,talented, and knowledgeable teacher. She shared many aspects of the process and answered all of our questions. I felt comfortable, in control and safe during the entire process. I can't predict what treasure awaits you if you are able to connect to something beyond yourself but I can promise you that under Nadiya's instruction that you will have the best chance of finding out! It was an amazing life changing experience for me and one that I will treasure forever. Be bold, walk the road least trodden and try something new"
by MANZ F *San Francisco*
"The Channels Opening workshop is one of the most interesting workshop that I've ever attended to say the least.
Nadiya is such a wonderful gifted spiritual teacher. During one of the initiation/activation process in class,
I felt the presence of an angelic being in the room. This angelic being was gliding across the room, passing each
row of our tables as if it was watching everyone of us during our deep meditation exercise. It was a soothing white light
with some golden trims on the edges. I felt peace and loving energy filled up the room. I noticed this being turned
towards me when I felt opening my eyes but a strong sense of feeling came over me to keep me focus on my meditation
and kept my eyes from opening. When Nadiya called us back to our wake state of consciousness, I opened my eyes and noticed
that the room was still dark since Nadiya had turned off the lights before we started the exercise. At that point I felt the angelic being
had already left the room. I shared this experienced with the person sitting next to me was very surprise to find out that he had felt
almost the same experienced that I had. Nadiya later confirmed to us that it was Archangel Uriel who visited us. This was so
amazing! There were also other events and occurrences that the other attendees had shared. Interestingly, I noticed some of
them also. I know that there had been a shift in my conscious awareness and being. The workshop explains how
channeling works and how to access communication with the Higher Self, Source Energy and Spirit guides.
I would definitely recommend the Channels Opening workshop to anyone." --- Dan N. San Jose, CA.
I know his work is great and is only the beginning, I can feel it. Ilya is bringing so much new potential into the world. It is more than I can imagine and the great opening will happen, when he is teaching it in Russia. when I read the material, the russian feel so powerfully and great, a little different from the english version. The new Ilya Muromez?
"We thank you wholeheartedly for your clarity, your love, and your extraordinary power, and of course the wonderful energies, Ilya. Philips says this weekend was a milestone, and so she always speaks to us all from the heart. I'm glad that you brought so much light, inspiration, and warmth in our lives. (Translated by Bing)
Berlin, Germany. October 27th, 2013.
Wir hatten ein vollkommenes und beglückendes Wochenende mit Ilya — with Ilya Vinnichenko in Finsterwalde, Germany.
by Manuela P. (Germany)
"Ilya, I just floated yesterday after participating in Sunday's workshop at Ganesha Center... you have a true gift in giving such beautiful potent attunements, and your level of knowledge in the metaphysical field more than exceeded my expectations!!! Please come back and share your gifts with our spirit base again in Las Vegas!!! I only have great things to say about you and your mom!! Thank you!!!
I feel light and joyous and more in touch with my higher self. Enjoying every minute of it! Thank you both for your work! I hope to see you again soon!!"
by Jodi Friedman, Reiki Master at Ganesha Center, Las Vegas, NV USA
Aloha Illya!
Oh, I have been thinking of you. I am surprised at how powerful that cherub's energies can be! I love it that you have such a wonderful contact with him. I have been practicing with the energies and am so delighted to see results when I work on others.
My sister was complaining about spurs, problems with her foot. I ran the healing energy and she was happy to report that she could jump out of bed and worked her chores throughout the day without any pain. Absolutely amazing!!
It is so good to hear from you. You are blessed!
Love & Light
Noel :-)
by Noel O. HI, USA
Dear Teacher Ilya,
I wanted to share with you that your seminar, e-mail response to my question, helped me closing my puzzle. I had two blissful days and I felt it in my heart, that this is an experiment, that I am strong and can smile at temptations, not suffer to a point, where I was losing my mind, that things r the way they r supposed to be for a reason. Thank you so much!
by Rachel I. (Bulgaria/USA)
I just wanted to say thank you again...
I really appreciate it that you took your time for me. I cant shake the feeling, that i learned something really powerful and wonderful from you and i feel already a lot lighter and like i can breathe again. You are very special and i most certainly will come and see you again.
by Leona L. (Germany)