Healthy Way to Lose Unhealthy Fat
This energy modality has been transmitted by Archangel Zadkiel (Righteousness of God) and the Angel of Mercy who helps us to forgive ourselves or someone else. Our excessive weight often reminds us of a life lesson to love yourselves and our right to have a better life. Your innate, the energy of body consciousness, is telling you about this.
Excessive weight and all the problems it creates for the body are epidemic in many countries today, and a lot of people are really concerned about this. This is the advice that Kryon gives to us in his Q & A section at“It is indeed time to correct this imbalance, but one which was given to you in your setup. Start by talking to your cells about the weight. Then visualize yourself with the body you desire and deserve. These things will actually begin to change your metabolism, and will alter the genetic properties within your DNA that control appetite and hunger. The kinds of foods you desire will change also. Honor the process, and the changes that will occur. Celebrate yourself, and give this process at least one year. It will be worth the delay, and will be a healthy way to discard the excess.”
The divine world doesn’t just advice you on how to do this, it provides the practical tools, cosmic energies, that will be able to help you deal with this concern.
Nadiya Vinnichenko invites you to attend her one full day workshop, where you will learn spiritual methods for healing your appetite and your relationship with your body as well as receive initiations of cosmic energies aimed at assisting you with healthy way to lose unhealthy fat.
The energies that Nadiya Vinnichenko channeled from Archangel Zadkiel will be presented in the following groups:
No prerequisites or experiences are required. Your pure intent to activate your own potential and your permission to let us help you do this are very important.
The only restriction is to avoid drinking any alcoholic beverages the day before the workshop.
The procedure of activation is simple, you shouldn't worry about anything. You will not be plugged in into any devices, forced to take any pills or have something "installed" into your aura.
To taste the energy for the energy modality transmitted by Archangel Zadkiel, please find the picture of the symbol for this course, sit down in front of it, uncross your legs and arms, try to relax, and listen to your feelings for 2 or 3 minutes.
Excessive weight and all the problems it creates for the body are epidemic in many countries today, and a lot of people are really concerned about this. This is the advice that Kryon gives to us in his Q & A section at“It is indeed time to correct this imbalance, but one which was given to you in your setup. Start by talking to your cells about the weight. Then visualize yourself with the body you desire and deserve. These things will actually begin to change your metabolism, and will alter the genetic properties within your DNA that control appetite and hunger. The kinds of foods you desire will change also. Honor the process, and the changes that will occur. Celebrate yourself, and give this process at least one year. It will be worth the delay, and will be a healthy way to discard the excess.”
The divine world doesn’t just advice you on how to do this, it provides the practical tools, cosmic energies, that will be able to help you deal with this concern.
Nadiya Vinnichenko invites you to attend her one full day workshop, where you will learn spiritual methods for healing your appetite and your relationship with your body as well as receive initiations of cosmic energies aimed at assisting you with healthy way to lose unhealthy fat.
The energies that Nadiya Vinnichenko channeled from Archangel Zadkiel will be presented in the following groups:
- Cleansing group( 2 energies)
- Communicating with divine group ( 6 energies)
- Having an agreement with your cells group ( 4 energies)
- Preparing the body systems group ( 11 energies)
- Handling the processes group ( 2 energies)
- Supporting the organs group (4 energies)
No prerequisites or experiences are required. Your pure intent to activate your own potential and your permission to let us help you do this are very important.
The only restriction is to avoid drinking any alcoholic beverages the day before the workshop.
The procedure of activation is simple, you shouldn't worry about anything. You will not be plugged in into any devices, forced to take any pills or have something "installed" into your aura.
To taste the energy for the energy modality transmitted by Archangel Zadkiel, please find the picture of the symbol for this course, sit down in front of it, uncross your legs and arms, try to relax, and listen to your feelings for 2 or 3 minutes.