Support with Contracts

Most of human beings on the planet ask themselves the same questions “Who are we?” and “Why are we here”? We are all beautiful souls that keep coming back to Earth to learn the lessons. Why do we do this? When we learn our life lessons we raise our vibrations and by raising our vibrations we evolve.
Each of us has a life plan, an agreement we made before incarnating on Earth, at this time, and in this body for a higher purpose. We prepared a so called Soul Contract before we were born, a divine blueprint, which included the lessons, the people, the events, the encounters, the life challenges, and the surroundings that we would experience. This was a promise we made to ourselves so that we could come to grow and learn. Think of Earth like a big school, where all the mistakes we make are meant to occur for our greater growth.
To assist people with fulfilling their Soul Contracts Archangel Jeremiel transmitted Nadiya the cosmic energies that have been included into the energy modality “Support with Soul Contracts”. Archangel Jeremiel is known as an archangel “who helps newly crossed-over souls review their lives. This is a service HE helps the still-living with, too. If you'd like to take an inventory of your life up till now so that you can make positive adjustments, call upon Archangel Jeremiel. HE will help you fearlessly assess your history and learn from prior experiences so that you're even stronger and more centered in love in the future.”
It’s a one full day seminar where the participants:
You will be attuned to 9 cosmic energies that will help you:
“You are born with an imprint that many call contract. It's so strong that even Lightworkers feel that it's something that is honored so strongly that they should follow it completely. They are on their knees asking for help to fulfill it, never realizing that the entire work of a Lightworker is to alter it!”
(Lee Carroll, channeler for Kryon for 26 years “Questions and answers” section at
Is there any difference between learning your life lessons and fulfilling your life purpose? There is no difference, each of us is unique, but all of us have the same life purpose – to evolve !!!
No prerequisites or experiences are required. Your pure intent to activate your own potential and your permission to let us help you do this are very important. The only restriction is to avoid drinking any alcoholic beverages the day before the workshop.
The procedure of activation is simple. Though all the cosmic energies were created by the Source of Creation, Archangel Jeremiel will do all the attunements together with Dr. Vinnichenko to whom HE transmitted them. The pineal gland of every participant of the workshop will be attuned to 9 different frequencies at which these 9 cosmic energies vibrate. During the everyday activation your pineal gland will easily recognize the frequency and start working on your command. You will be able to use these cosmic energies for different purposes till the end of your life.
To taste the energy transmitted by Archangel Jeremiel, please sit down in front of the picture of the symbol for this course, do not cross your legs and arms, try to relax, and listen to your feelings for 2 or 3 minutes.
Certification will be granted after receiving attunements, doing activations, and completing classroom exercises on practical energy application.
Each of us has a life plan, an agreement we made before incarnating on Earth, at this time, and in this body for a higher purpose. We prepared a so called Soul Contract before we were born, a divine blueprint, which included the lessons, the people, the events, the encounters, the life challenges, and the surroundings that we would experience. This was a promise we made to ourselves so that we could come to grow and learn. Think of Earth like a big school, where all the mistakes we make are meant to occur for our greater growth.
To assist people with fulfilling their Soul Contracts Archangel Jeremiel transmitted Nadiya the cosmic energies that have been included into the energy modality “Support with Soul Contracts”. Archangel Jeremiel is known as an archangel “who helps newly crossed-over souls review their lives. This is a service HE helps the still-living with, too. If you'd like to take an inventory of your life up till now so that you can make positive adjustments, call upon Archangel Jeremiel. HE will help you fearlessly assess your history and learn from prior experiences so that you're even stronger and more centered in love in the future.”
It’s a one full day seminar where the participants:
- will get clarification on such concepts as soul contract, Akashic Records, life-lessons, imprint, and blueprint;
- will understand the concepts: fulfilling your life purpose, learning your life lessons, soul evolution, and ascension;
- will find out the difference between scenario, potentials, and reality;
- will get the techniques to be combined with the activation of cosmic energies to help you succeed with whatever lesson you are working on;
- will receive a template of how to re-write the contract for this life time
- will be provided with the template of how to plan your next incarnation and what is allowed to be included into it;
- will receive the attunements to 9 cosmic energies aiming to support you with the fulfillment of your soul contract;
You will be attuned to 9 cosmic energies that will help you:
- to get rid of different kinds of fear
- to improve your ability to communicate ( with yourself, your friends, your family, your surroundings, etc.)
- to accept reincarnation in the same Akashic groups as a necessary tool for soul evolution
- to be open to understand the difference of the concept “Soul Contract” in old and new energies;
- to love yourself as a divine being and realize your power as a part of Creator;
- to deal with personal issues (anger, unbending stubbornness, self-punishment, pride, blame, helplessness, insecurity, oversensitivity, impatience, incomplete release, etc.);
- to stop being under the influence of past lives habits as well as being addicted to or obsessed with different people, things and ideas;
- to change your attitude to yourself as well as people and things around you;
- to suppress your desire to control everything and everyone (including the Universe)
“You are born with an imprint that many call contract. It's so strong that even Lightworkers feel that it's something that is honored so strongly that they should follow it completely. They are on their knees asking for help to fulfill it, never realizing that the entire work of a Lightworker is to alter it!”
(Lee Carroll, channeler for Kryon for 26 years “Questions and answers” section at
Is there any difference between learning your life lessons and fulfilling your life purpose? There is no difference, each of us is unique, but all of us have the same life purpose – to evolve !!!
No prerequisites or experiences are required. Your pure intent to activate your own potential and your permission to let us help you do this are very important. The only restriction is to avoid drinking any alcoholic beverages the day before the workshop.
The procedure of activation is simple. Though all the cosmic energies were created by the Source of Creation, Archangel Jeremiel will do all the attunements together with Dr. Vinnichenko to whom HE transmitted them. The pineal gland of every participant of the workshop will be attuned to 9 different frequencies at which these 9 cosmic energies vibrate. During the everyday activation your pineal gland will easily recognize the frequency and start working on your command. You will be able to use these cosmic energies for different purposes till the end of your life.
To taste the energy transmitted by Archangel Jeremiel, please sit down in front of the picture of the symbol for this course, do not cross your legs and arms, try to relax, and listen to your feelings for 2 or 3 minutes.
Certification will be granted after receiving attunements, doing activations, and completing classroom exercises on practical energy application.